Round table "Digitalization of the Cultural and Linguistic Heritage of the Arctic Peoples"

In the context of significant changes in the social environment, the problem of preserving and revitalizing the languages of the peoples of Russia, including the languages of the indigenous peoples of the North, is of particular relevance. There are various mechanisms and systemic platforms for the digitalization of linguistic heritage to bring together all specialists in native languages. Discussion of topical issues on processing language data on various platforms, documenting and creating a corpus of texts, including on the material of endangered lan-guages, can become an effective mechanism for preserving, developing and promoting the languages of the peoples of Yakutia.

In the focus of the discussion:

documentation and digital processing of languages, development of electronic educational products for learning native languages

formation of an innovative learning environment based on the linguistic platform Lingvodok

popularization and promotion of the linguistic heritage of the peoples of Yakutia


Khokholova Irena Semyonovna, Ph.D. in Philology, Senior Research Fellow, Linguistic Ecology of the Arctic, NEFU

Marina Kysylbaikova, Ph.D. in Philology, Senior Research Scientist, Linguistic Ecology of the Arctic, NEFU


Anatoly Zhozhikov, Technology Candidate, Pedagogics Doctor, Head, UNESCO Department, Ammo-sov North-Eastern Federal University (Yakutsk, Russia

Alexey Vasilievich, Vice-Chair of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, member of the steering committee of the International Decade for Indigenous Languages: "Global and Local Priorities for Indigenous Peoples in the Context of the International Decade for Indigenous Languages

Aleksey Yaglovsky, Junior Researcher at the Museum of Arctic Archaeology named after S.A. Fedoseyeva. S.A. Fedoseyeva State Budgetary Institution "Arctic Research Centre of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)": "Digitalization and popularization of archaeological heritage sites in the Arctic"

Ilaan Kındıkan, author of the creative project Kındıkan: "Cultural Codes in Creative Industries and its Integration into the Global Context (Case Study of the Kındıkan Project)

Sergey Vasiliev, Head of Laboratory at FTI NEFU: "3D Rarities of the Arctic" - a project to create digital copies of historical and cultural heritage sites of the peoples of the Arctic

Vasily BOCHKAREV, Junior Researcher, Sakha Language Department, Institute of Humanities Re-search and Indigenous People of the North, Siberian Branch RAS (Yakutsk, Rus-sia)

Galina ZHONDOROVA, , Pedagogics Candidate, Dean, Philology Faculty, Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University and Svetlana ZALUTSKAYA, Pedagogics Candidate, Associate Professor, Professor, Methods of Teaching Russian Language and Literature Department, Philology Faculty, Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University (Yakutsk, Russia) Svetlana Zalutskaya, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Department of Methods of Teaching Russian Language and Literature, Faculty of Philology, NEFU: "Research and educational projects of the FLF as a means of promoting the linguistic heritage of Russian old-timers of Yakutia".

Vera Nikiforova, Head of the Department of Art History, Vice-Rector for Education, Research and Digitalisation, Afnasiy Radnaevich Batorov, Head of the Department of Informatics, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education and Culture: "Arctic Cultural Code: About Work on the Collection of Ethnomusicologist Yury Sheikin"

Kyunnei Pestereva, Senior Lecturer, NEFU Institute of Physics, Vasiliev Sergey Efimovich, Senior Lecturer, NEFU Physico-Technical Institute: "Using Digital Technology in Historical Research

Anastasia KOLMOGOROVA, D. in Philology, Professor of the Institute of Philology and Speech Communication, Siberian Federal University: "Specifics of Perception of Russian-Speaking Texts of Different Emotional Tone: The Case of Tuvan-Russian Bilinguals".

Viktoria Filippova, PhD in History, Senior Researcher at IGIPMNS SB RAS: "Khatango-Anabar Region: Cartographic Support for Representation of Historical and Cultural Heritage".

Nyurguyana Vasilieva, 4th year student of the Folk Art Culture Department, FGBOU VPO ASIKI: "Digitization of traditional culture using the example of L. Egorova's online courses" (supervised by Alexeeva A.D., teacher-researcher at ASIKI)

Ninel Malisheva, D. in Philology, Leading Researcher, Linguistic Ecology of the Arctic, NEFU: "Digital Description of the Languages of the Peoples of the North (based on LingvoDoc)



29 Nov 2022


16:30 - 18:30


Northern Sustainable Development Forum


North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov
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