05.09.2020 Posts %s

Session. Cultural Heritage, Youth and Education

Date: 28 september
Time: 15:00-17:00 UTC+9

Co-organizers: Arctic State Institute of Culture and Arts

Education and cultural heritage is the most important factor for sustainable development and human well-being in the North and the Arctic.

These issues are becoming more relevant than ever in the light of the global transformations accelerated by climate change and the pandemic.

The aim of the session is to strengthen the link between cultural heritage, youth and education. The session focuses on three topics: International Education and Student Mobility in the COVID Era, Cultural Heritage in the Hands of Young People, and Experiences and Opportunities for Young Cultural Scholars. In this context, we use a broad understanding of the culture of the North and the Arctic as a circumpolar civilization.

Based on the results of the work of this session, it is planned to lay the foundations for the subsequent creation of a society of young people involved in the preservation and development of the
cultural heritage of the North and the Arctic.

, Associate Professor of the Department of National Art and Culture, Vice-Rector for International Activities, Arctic State Institute of Culture and Arts


Алина Емельянова студент кафедры живописи и графики, АГИКИ
Ирина Дранаева руководитель отдела международного и межрегионального сотрудничества, АГАТУ
Марина Фалевич координатор международной работы, Центр образования саамского региона, Финляндия
Анна Манько магистрант кафедры народной художественной культуры АГИКИ, Камчатский край
Василий Алексеев кандидат пед. наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой национальных видов спорта, ЧГИФКиС
Сардаана Иванова PhD кандидат, Университет Хельсинки, Финляндия
Эльвира Алексеева старший преподаватель, АГИКИ
Таяна Аракчаа PhD, исследователь, KTH, Швеция
Мария Яковлева PhD кандидат, Университет Саскачеван, Канада
Зоя Тарасова PhD кандидат, Кембриджский университет, Великобритания
Людмила Никанорова PhD, исследователь, Университет Тромсё, Норвегия.

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