7th All-Russian Research and Practice Conference “Sustainable North: Society, Economy, Ecology, Policy”. Roundtable "Arctic Law: Formation Trends and Prospects for Development"

In the focus of the discussion::

The discussion will be devoted to the concept of the formation and development of the Arctic law, determining its place in the legal system of the Russian Federation and international law, analyzing complex legal problems of sustainable development of the Arctic and northern territories of the Russian Federation in light of the Arctic law. The range of discussed issues will be of a complex nature, i.e. the results of legal and interdisciplinary scientific research will be presented, and issues of a legislation and law enforcement will be considered.

We suggest sharing the experience of legal norms implementation, which regulate legal relations from the suggested topic. The raised issues and results of the discussion are designed to consolidate the efforts of the legal community in the sustainable development of the Arctic and northern territories, and to lead them towards more pressing legal issues and new ways of resolving them.


Rum USHNITSKY, Dean, Law Faculty, Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University (Yakutsk, Russia)


Elena GOLOMAREVA, Chair, Standing Committee on the Issues of the Indigenous People of the North and Arctic Affairs, Il Tumen State Assembly of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)

Petr GOGOLEV, Law Doctor, Chair, Constitutional Council of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Professor, Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Law Faculty, Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University

Mikhail POGODAEV, Deputy Minister for Arctic Development and Indigenous Affairs of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)

Konstantin ROBBEK, Ombudsmen on the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples of the North in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)

Vladimir KRYAZHKOV, Law Doctor, Professor, Public Law Department, Law Faculty, Higher School of Economics National Research Institute (Moscow) (online)

Olga MAXIMOVA, Law Doctor, Associate Professor, Head, Department of Theory and History of the State and Law, Higher School of Economics National Research Institute (Moscow) (online)

Natalia FILIPPOVA, Law Doctor, Professor, State and Municipal Law Department, Law Institute, Surgut State University (online)

Tatiana IVANOVA, Law Doctor, Professor, Department of Arctic and Asia Pacific Law, Law Faculty, Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University

Andrey KRIVOROTOV, Economics Candidate, Associate Professor, Department of Innovation Management, MGIMO University (Moscow, Russia)

Anatoliy SLEPTSOV, Law Candidate, Associate Professor, Head, Department of Arctic and Asia Pacific Law, Law Faculty, Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University

Elena GLADUN, Law Candidate, Associate Professor, Professor, State and Municipal Administration Department, State and Law Institute, Tyumen State University, Editor-in-Chief, BRICS Law Journal, Chairman, Council on Scientific Publications Ethics, Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (ASEP) (online)

Petr BATTAKHOV, Law Candidate, Senior Researcher, Sector of Civil and Entrepreneurial Law, Institute of State and Law RAS, Moscow (online)

Irina GORDEYEVA, Minister of Justice of Kirov Oblast, 2nd Year Postgraduate Student, Department of State and Municipal Law, Institute of State and Law, Surgut State University, Kirov (online)

Semyon MULTANOV, Student, Law Institute, Surgut State University (online)

Online participation:

Zoom conference URL: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81257242072?pwd=bW5GVWNjRHBzTzJmOHNJRnFXL0R6UT09

Conference id: 812 5724 2072

Access code: 898224



01 Dec 2022


15:00 - 18:00


NEFU GUK, 350 Office
Kulakovsky St. 42


Research Institute of Regional Economy of the North, Institute of Finances and Economics of NEFU
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