NSDF participants publication in Academic journal “Arctic XXI century. Humanities”

20.09.2022 Posts %s

NSDF participants publication in Academic journal “Arctic XXI century. Humanities”

Academic journal “Arctic XXI century. Humanities” announces the extension of the acceptance of articles in issue No. 3 (29) 2022.

Undergraduates, graduate students, teachers, researchers who are willing to publish articles on the subject of the North and the Arctic are invited to cooperate. Articles are indexed in the RSCI, published free of charge, and placed in the “Cyberleninka” scientific electronic library. Scientific articles are assigned DOI through Crossref.

The Academic Journal publishes scientific articles on topical issues of the Arctic and the North by groups of scientific specialties:

5.1. Law:
5.1.1. Theoretical and historical legal sciences;
5.1.5. International legal sciences

5.2. Economics:
5.2.5. World economy

5.5. Political science:
5.5.4. International relationships

5.6. Historical sciences
5 6.1.National history
5.6.4. Ethnology, anthropology and ethnography

5.9. Philology:
5.9.1. Russian literature and the literature of Ethnicities of Russian Federation;
5.9.5. Russian language. Languages of the peoples of Russia.

Please send the articles’ materials by e-mail: sakhaarctic@gmail.com

You can see the requirements for authors on the journal website:
