Expert discussion "Development of science and technology in the Arctic"

29.08.2022 Христина Филиппова

Expert discussion "Development of science and technology in the Arctic"

Theme Block "Energy of the Arctic: New Challenges - New Solutions and Technologies"

The development of science and technology is one of the priorities for Russia in the interests of the development of the Arctic zone. On July 12, 2022, it was announced about the establishment of the Scientific and Technical Council under the State Commission for the Development of the Arctic, which included the country's leading scientific and technical universities. One of the major tasks of the new council is to support research and development, to do it faster with less bureaucracy, red tape and risks. How will this initiative affect the conduct and development of scientific activities in the region and the fulfillment of the tasks facing Russia in the new conditions?

Arctic conditions contribute to the development of innovative technological developments like no other. The domestic base of fundamental and applied research and technology is necessary both for complex industries and for everyday life.

It is impossible to increase the capacity of the Northern Sea Route, build infrastructure, develop the subsoil, create modern means of communication and monitoring, improve the quality of life of residents of the Arctic territories without advanced scientific research and technology.

In the focus of the discussion:

  • Implementation of Russian scientific programs in the Arctic.
  • Consolidation of universities, business and government. Measures to support scientific research and development.
  • Training of highly qualified personnel. Attracting specialists to the Arctic.
  • Ways to preserve global scientific cooperation in the new realities.