The last day of the Northern Sustainable Development Forum

01.10.2020 Posts %s

The last day of the Northern Sustainable Development Forum

The last day of the Northern Sustainable Development Forum, which took place these days in Yakutsk in online and offline formats, has ended.
In total, 14 events were held on this day, such as round tables, seminars, conferences, sessions and panel discussions.
At the events of the last day, no less pressing issues of sustainable development were raised than at the previous ones.

At the round table "Sustainable North: Society, Economy, Ecology, Politics - Effects and Traditions", they talked about the work of a multilingual Internet portal for integrating the languages and cultures of the indigenous peoples of the North and the Arctic into the global information space. Researchers from Norway, Finland, Iceland and the United States have expressed interest in the project. Anatoly Zhozhikov, head of the UNESCO Department of the North-Eastern Federal University, said that work on the integration of languages and cultures of the indigenous peoples of the north into the world information space at the North-Eastern Federal University has been underway since 2011. Expeditions were organized to record on digital media representatives of the culture of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the north: to places of their compact residence in Yakutia, to Chukotka, Kamchatka and the Khabarovsk Territory. Records of almost disappearing native speakers of language and culture were made, materials available on the ground were collected. All information is placed on a single portal. In addition, a Facebook group was created on the basis of the Arctic portal, which also forms an environment for the exchange of information and communication of the indigenous small peoples of the north.

The seminar “Cold lands. Japanese-Russian Cooperation in the North”, which is held jointly by the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the HaRP Secretariat for representatives of Japanese and Russian universities, companies and government agencies. The seminar consisted of an introductory plenary session and a sectional discussion. At the opening of the seminar, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science Mikhail Prisyazhny reminded the participants that in the north-east of Russia, the forces of four regions - the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Kamchatka Territory, Magadan Region and Chukotka - are creating the Research and Education Center "North: Territory of Sustainable development", which involved projects and research by scientists from the North-Eastern Federal University.

According to Mikhail Prisyazhny, the organization of the Scientific and Educational Center in the Far East will allow the region to receive more private money for research, as well as expand cooperation with Russian and foreign companies.

During the discussion in 4 sections, Japanese and Russian scientists and their partners shared information and proposals on promising joint projects for 2020 and discussed topics and formats for future cooperation. At the final session, the results of the discussion were summed up.

The participants of the round table "Arctic Agriculture" discussed the state and prospects of Arctic agriculture, where they noted the importance of preserving the traditional industries of the north, namely the development of northern (domestic) reindeer husbandry, preserving the resource base and increasing the volume of commercial fishing, the integrated development of commercial hunting in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). It is necessary to intensify the work and make specific proposals for the integrated development of Arctic agriculture, traditional industries of the north, socio-economic development of the Arctic territories of the Republic, summed up at the round table.

На конференции по Транспортной инфраструктуре на Севере и в Арктике, в рамках секции по строительству автомобильных дорог и мостовых переходов в Арктической зоне РФ, участники говорили о проблемах стоимости строительства дорог на Крайнем Севере, которые как правило, не покрываются ни экономическим, ни социальным эффектом. «Для устранения проблем эксплуатации автодорог и мостовых переходов необходимы усовершенствованная нормативная база, технологические подходы к строительству дорог и применение инновационных транспортных средств» – поделился модератор конференции декан автодорожного факультета СВФУ Дмитрий Филиппов.

The general information partner of the Northern Sustainable Development Forum, the project of "Russia Today" ARCTIC.RU held a panel discussion "Information Warfare in the Arctic". During the event, the results of an analytical study were presented on what topics about the Arctic and, in particular, the presence of Russia in the region, are being written by the largest mass media of the circumpolar countries. The head of the project, Yulia Atanova, moderator of the panel discussion, said that the main news trends in each country were studied: “So, in Russia, as expected, most of all they write about economic and infrastructural development, in Norway and Denmark - about international politics, in Sweden, Iceland and the United States on climate change, in Canada on research and innovation, and the Finnish and Chinese media also focus on climate change”.

На панельной дискуссии «Новые контуры международного взаимодействия в Арктике» доцент Северо-Восточного федерального университета, старший научный сотрудник Института США и Канады РАН Дарьяна Максимова рассказала про особенности российско-канадских научных отношений. «В рамках нашего форума мы хотели обратить внимание на то, что в российской Арктике необходимо проводить исследования по изменению климата. Арктика сейчас привлекательна с точки зрения изменения климата как в научно-техническом, так и гуманитарном направлении. Показатели говорят, что в последнее время арктическое научно-техническое сотрудничество все больше набирает темп, а по гуманитарному чуть сложнее. Это осложняется тем, что здесь много геополитики, социальной составляющей, сравнения опыта проживания одного народа с другим. Но в то же время наука может стать основой для плодотворного международного сотрудничества» – подвела итог Дарьяна Максимова.

Within the framework of the Northern Sustainable Development Forum in an online format, a regular meeting of the Lena Club was held, completing the work of the II International Northern Sustainable Development Forum, with the participation of Alexander Krutikov, Deputy Minister for Development of the Far East and the Arctic of the Russian Federation, heads and governors of the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District. This time, the meeting of the Lena Club was devoted to topical areas of interregional cooperation in the Arctic regions of Russia.

Aisen Nikolaev noted that taking into account the new stage in the development of the Russian Arctic and the North, interregional interaction comes to the fore. This year, a number of long-awaited strategic documents were adopted: "Fundamentals of State Policy in the Arctic until 2035", a package of federal laws on entrepreneurship in the Arctic zone. The Strategy for the Development of the Arctic until 2035 and a new state program for the development of the Arctic territories will soon come into force, and the National Program for the Development of the Far East until 2035 has been approved.

Among the key areas of interregional cooperation in the Arctic regions of Russia, the revival of traditional industries, the creation of trade and logistics infrastructure, the expansion of telecommunications infrastructure, the development of the healthcare sector, the restoration of the construction industry in the Arctic, the development of transport infrastructure, the attraction of investors and the development of entrepreneurship, the provision of environmental safety, the reduction of anthropogenic and technogenic impact on the environment.

The leaders of the constituent entities of the Far East during their speeches expressed solidarity in working out mechanisms and specific decisions on the topical issues of cooperation indicated by the Head of Yakutia. In particular, the governors and heads of the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District highlighted issues related to the northern delivery, attracting investments, developing the tourism industry, developing international certification and branding local products for export.

The Northern Sustainable Development Forum was held from September 27 to 30, 2020. All events can be viewed on the official website of the forum and the YouTube channel of the Northern Sustainable Development Forum

General media partner - portal

Information Partners:

Rosscongress Foundation, National Broadcasting Company NVK-Sakha, Rossiya Segodnya news agency, Rossiyskaya Gazeta publication, PRO-ARCTIC independent Russian information and analytical network publication, Sakhamedia RIIH JSC, Transport Strategy magazine XXI century”,“Institute of Regional Consulting”, information portal “Ambassadorial Life”, Russian network publication“ First National ”.
