Northern Sustainable Development Forum

Sustainable development is a major challenge of our age




Opening ceremony. Music Live Set.

Сессия “Человеческий капитал: Молодые таланты Севера и Арктики”

Сессия “Экология и охрана природы”

Сессия “Предпринимательство, устойчивые технологии, инновационные экосистемы Севера”

Сессия “Добровольчество и программы стажировок”

Сессия “Культурное наследие, молодежь и образование”

Educational and popular-scientific projects

Enviromental activities of nerthern youth for the sustainable development

Development of youth entrepreneurship

Engagement of northern and Arctic youth in volunteering and internships in the international organizations

Cultural heritage

Science for the sustainable development of the Arctic and the North

Ecology and climate change

Use of AI in industrial facilities

Development of volunteer pprograms in the regions of the North and the Arctic

International education and student mobility during COVID-19

Support for the young talents

Climate change and permafrost landscape degradation

Innovative ecosystems of the North

Arctic research and volunteering

Experience and opportunities of young cultural researchers

Support for the young talents


Sustainable technology and energy in the North


Cooperation of the public organizations

School partnership





Project presentations

Networking session

1st Northern Youth Forum

The North and the Arctic form a unique region of the planet; its potentiality has not yet been fully explored. More and more states, regardless of their geographical location, demonstrate interest in participating in the active development of the North and the Arctic. The growing interest in the northern and Arctic topics is associated with a change in the global climate, which opens up new opportunities for development of the Northern Sea Route and access to mineral resources of this understudied region.

In 2021, the Northern Forum Non-Profit Organization (hereinafter - the Northern Forum) will celebrate its 30th anniversary, and the Arctic Council will celebrate its 25th anniversary.

Over its almost 30-year history, the Northern Forum has implemented many projects that have made a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the Northern regions and the extension of interregional cooperation throughout the circumpolar Arctic.

One of the long-term instruments for further development of the Northern Forum and the achievement of sustainable development goals in the North and the Arctic can be the use of the potential of international youth cooperation through the creation of the Northern Youth Forum (hereinafter referred to as the NYF). In the foreseeable future, it will be impossible to implement large-scale projects in the North and the Arctic without the participation of young people. The NYF will bring together the youth of the Northern and Arctic regions of the world under the auspices of the Northern Forum to promote peaceful and productive international cooperation. It will become a platform for uniting like-minded people, training and educating young professionals who will make decisions on important agendas of the North and the Arctic tomorrow.

Mission of the NYF is to strengthen the spirit of trust and cooperation between young representatives of Northern regions and countries at the stage of personal and professional views’ formation.

Goal of the NYF is to promote the interests and views of young people in solving the problems facing the Northern Forum by using the potential of international youth cooperation.

Objectives of the NYF:

– создание площадки для международного молодежного сотрудничества;

– вовлечение активной молодежи в процессы решения наиболее актуальных и перспективных социально-экономических, общественно-политических, экологических, культурных и других задач, стоящими перед Севером и Арктикой;

– создание молодежных профессиональных сообществ, сообществ по интересам и рабочих групп для инициатив по направлениям МСФ;

– содействие социальной, научно-образовательной, творческой самореализации молодежи;

– обучение молодежи созданию и продвижению различных проектов, соответствующих направлениям деятельности Северного Форума.

Main areas of the NYF are:

Human capital: Young talents of the North and the Arctic:

  • Educational and scientific projects;
  • Science for sustainable development of the North and the Arctic;
  • Support of young talents;
  • Transfer of traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples to the new generation;
  • Cooperation of public organizations;
  • School partnership.

Ecology and environmental protection:

  • Environmental activities of the Northern youth for sustainable development;
  • Ecology and climate change.

Economy, investment and entrepreneurship of the North and the Arctic:

  • Development of youth entrepreneurship;
  • Digitalization of the economy;
  • Technology and innovation;
  • Sustainable energy;
  • Industrial projects in the North and in the Arctic.

Volunteering and Internship Programs:

  • International volunteering and internship for Northern and Arctic youth;
  • Development of volunteer programs in the North and the Arctic.

Culture, tourism and territory promotion:

  • Cultural cooperation;
  • Preservation of indigenous traditions in the North and the Arctic;
  • Development of Infrastructure in the North and the Arctic;
  • Territorial branding of Northern and Arctic regions and states;
  • Post-pandemic tourism.

Expected results of the NYF in the nearest future:

  • Submission of the resolution and other materials of the NYF to the Northern Forum;
  • Publication of materials of the NYF (resolution, reports, presentations, recommendations, final reports, etc.) on the official website of the Northern Forum;
  • Publication of individual materials of the NYF in an indexed journal;
  • Formation of working groups in priority areas;
  • Formation of project teams.

Expected results of the NYF in the medium and long term horizon:

  • Bringing the youth’s views to the public, government and international organizations on solving Northern and Arctic issues;
  • Active participation of youth in shaping the agenda of the North and the Arctic;
  • Formation of a community of the NYF participants who will deal with various issues on Northern and Arctic topics in different regions and countries at the local, national and international levels, and effective interaction of members of this community in implementation of projects within the NYF and beyond;
  • Implementation of projects according to the NYF areas.

Documents for downloading:

